Regional Advocacy Network: The knowledge broker For more than two decades, Helvetas Eastern Europe has played a key role in the implementation of numerous development projects across the Western Balkans. Helvetas’ thematic interventions, such as vocational programs, market system development and governance studies, have all utilized the essential element of advocacy. These years of accumulated knowledge and experience served as a driver for creating the Regional Advocacy Network in 2018.

“The network gathers like-minded individuals to discuss solutions that different Helvetas projects (e.g., DEMOS, Strong Municipalities, RisiAlbania, Education for Employment in North Macedonia, and ACT in Serbia have successfully applied and to engage in consistent knowledge sharing.”

Through regular virtual and in-person exchanges, participants have learned and discussed the best practices and challenge issues pertinent to their country-specific situation. The network regularly uses the Helvetas Advocacy Toolbox as a frame to present advocacy interventions.

Our History

Welcome to a worldwide network of development experts, policy makers, innovation enthusiasts, educators and connectors, all committed to one mission: using co-creation and hacking to make this world a better place for all.

We started with #DevPolHack in 2021.

The methodology we used was informed and inspired by Helvetas Advocacy Toolbox.

In the course of 3 years, we organized 3 DevpolHacks and tackled 3 real-life challenges. We will continue to organize DevpolHacks and update this toolbox with new learnings. Every event, every process, every interaction was different. But through reflection and feedback, we mapped out the most important DNA that follows every co-creation we do – and now, we wish to share it with all of you.

Learn about previous #DevPolHacks and how it went.

DevPolHack in Sarajevo: Innovative Solutions for a Stronger Civic Voice

DevPolHack in Sarajevo: Innovative Solutions for a Stronger Civic Voice

This event, as part of PRAGG’s commitment to partnerships, builds a foundation for sustained civic engagement and empowers citizens to make their voices central to policy decisions across Bosnia and Herzegovina and Southeast Europe. As spaces for civic engagement shrink worldwide, the DevPolHack event in Sarajevo, organized by the PRAGG project with support from Helvetas […]

#DevPolHack 2024 conducted entirely online

#DevPolHack 2024 conducted entirely online

Our #DevPolHack was conducted entirely online, featuring two competing teams comprised of members from Albania, Serbia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Moldova, Kosovo, and Switzerland. These teams tackled a challenge presented by students of the University of Lucerne, focusing on the creation of a sustainable advocacy network that serves as a knowledge broker, drawing from the experience […]

#DevpolhackSerbia on Digital Advocacy

#DevpolhackSerbia on Digital Advocacy

Digital Advocacy #DEVPOLHACK 2022 – Belgrade LEARN SMART – WORK PROFESSIONALLY In September 2022, Helvetas Eastern and Southeastern Europe hosted the 4th Regional Advocacy Network Meeting in Belgrade, bringing together passionate individuals and organizations committed to driving positive change in the region. Among the workshop’s events was the #DevPolHackBelgrade, a collaborative space where participants tackled […]

#DevPolHack NorthMacedonia on Advocacy for Vocational Education

#DevPolHack NorthMacedonia on Advocacy for Vocational Education

#DevPolHackNorthMacedonia on Advocacy for Vocational Education In October 2021, Helvetas hosted the Regional Advocacy Workshop for the Western Balkans, bringing together passionate individuals and organizations committed to driving positive change in the region. Among the workshop’s events was the ‘Advocacy Hackathon,’ a dynamic space where participants tackled a real challenge using co-creation and innovative thinking. […]

