
04. Ideation

Participants and Public

If there is any spot in the DevPolHack when you can go wild with your ideas, this is the one!

Let your imagination flow and make sure to voice out or share all your ideas!

Teams reconnect through Ideation Games: Let’s play!

Now that you have formulated the problem/challenge and digged deeper into it, we can start with designing the solution. For that, we will use the so called “Double Diamond” model, also known as a road map for people who want to create things.

“This is a brainstorming session: clear your mind, share ideas, and engage in reverse brainstorming. Moving forward, collaborate in break rooms as you work together on generating innovative solutions.

By now, you have most probably generated over 40 ideas per group. The next step is to Mash-them-up i.e find creative ways to combine all the ideas together in categories or clusters that make sense.

By now, you have most probably generated over 40 ideas per group. The next step is to Mash-them-up i.e find creative ways to combine all the ideas together in categories or clusters that make sense.

“After generating a multitude of wild, crazy, and fresh ideas, it’s time for the group to make a decision and choose ONE idea to move forward with in this DevPolHack. Opt for ideas with creative potential, and the Idea Selection Tool might be beneficial in this process!”


Dots Game
Desk Yoga


White Board (?) No template
White Board (?) No template


Tempalte to make it public