
Current hack


24-25 January 2024

Our primary focus in this DevPolHack will be addressing advocacy challenges by functioning as a knowledgeable intermediary

Join on 18-21 March’24

We will focus on the the climate crisis and xxx xxxx xxxxx

The upcoming hackathon promises to be an extraordinary convergence of brilliance, ready to push the boundaries of innovation to new heights. Enthusiastic minds from diverse fields are gearing up to embark on a thrilling adventure, armed with passion, creativity, and a determination to make a lasting impact. With cutting-edge technologies and novel ideas at their disposal, participants eagerly anticipate the chance to address pressing global challenges and create transformative solutions.

Collaborative spirits will flourish as teams unite, blending their unique perspectives and expertise to engineer groundbreaking projects that transcend convention.

In this dynamic atmosphere of learning and growth, mentors and industry experts will offer invaluable guidance, nurturing the seeds of creativity and fostering the emergence of groundbreaking prototypes. As the hackathon unfolds, the palpable energy will fuel a whirlwind of development, leading to a grand finale where game-changing innovations will be showcased, celebrated, and perhaps even set the stage for real-world implementation. Ultimately, this hackathon serves as a testament to the remarkable power of collective brilliance and the unyielding spirit of human ingenuity.



12 January 2024
01. Preparation Innovation Partner​
Call for Innovation Partner: express your interest!

In the #DevPolHack community, creativity is a collective superpower, not a measure for comparison. The more you share, the greater the potential for spreading creativity. Active participation is crucial. Share your challenge, and our Regional Advocacy Network Members are prepared to craft a solution for you!

17 January 2024
02. Preparation Participant
Call for Participants: Apply now!

We offer a robust framework, myriad resources and tons of support. However, the value and knowledge you gain from #DevPolHack depend on your active involvement. While a facilitator will guide you through the process, each participant is expected to take the lead. Connect with motivated peers, seize the opportunity to win a prize, step out of anonymity, and become the newest #DevPolHack Champion Team!

Day 1 #Devpolhack - 24 January 2024
Innovation Partner and Participants
Problem Identification & Empathy

Every DevPolHack is a unique experience. Even if this is not your first time, make sure to give it all your attention, as uninterrupted as possible.

Day 1 #Devpolhack - 24 January 2024
Day 1 - Innovation Partner and Participants

If there is any spot in the DevPolHack when you can go wild with your ideas, this is the one! Let your imagination flow and make sure to voice out or share all your ideas!

Day 2 #Devpolhack - 25 January 2024
Day 2 - Participants and Mentors

It's time to delve into prototyping.
In DevPolHack, we've crafted a sequence of three straightforward steps to guide a group through the prototyping process. Nevertheless, there are many additional steps and tools available for use.

Day 2 #Devpolhack - 25 January 2024
Day 2 - Innovation Partner and Participants
Iterate & Validate

Now, it's time for testing.
In this phase, you may discover the pivotal feedback that could elevate your idea to a winning level. Let's dive in and play first!

Day 2 #Devpolhack - 25 January 2024
Day 2 - Participants and Jury
Celebration & Pitching

The moment for pitching and celebration has arrived. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the jury members – know your audience 🙂. Each DevPolHack comes with distinct Judging Criteria, so make sure you're well-informed.

Enjoy these moments! The jury is evaluating, and you should get ready for the celebration.

#Devpolhack - 25 January 2024
Innovation Partner and Participants
Follow up

It's time to conclude this experience.

Every ending marks a new beginning!

1 December – 1 January

1 January – February

18 March (day 1)

The toolbox is meant for organisers and innovation partners.

The content of this toolbox is organized in eight chapters, following the major phases of a DevPolHack. 


Click here for the DevPolHack toolbox




Megan Smith

CEO, Shift7


Sandra Wachter

Senior Manager, Red Hat


Steven Frantzen

Senior Vice President, IDC


Nuria Kelleher

Director of Research, Nokia



Megan Smith

CEO, Shift7


Sandra Wachter

Senior Manager, Red Hat


Steven Frantzen

Senior Vice President, IDC


Nuria Kelleher

Director of Research, Nokia



Megan Smith

CEO, Shift7


Sandra Wachter

Senior Manager, Red Hat


Steven Frantzen

Senior Vice President, IDC


Nuria Kelleher

Director of Research, Nokia



Megan Smith

CEO, Shift7


Sandra Wachter

Senior Manager, Red Hat


Steven Frantzen

Senior Vice President, IDC


Nuria Kelleher

Director of Research, Nokia